Saturday, December 1, 2012

How to show the Google reviews on your Web Site?

 How to show your restaurant Google reviews on your Web Site?

Your business has Google review about your restaurant, but your visitors do not see them!

However, it is important to showcase these positive reviews in such a way that when potential customers visit your website they will immediately be drawn to these reviews.

Therefore, I want to show you how of these reviews that people have left for your business to show on your Web Site.. You can showcase these reviews on your website through TWO features:

I will show it on the example of the restaurant Delmonico's  with 1,991 Google reviews, because it is number one in Google for search query: New York Restaurant!

Feature SLIDESHOW: Like this SLIDE SHOW may be on your WebSite.
Note: Please click on right bottom icon to view FULLSCREEN!

Delmonico's Restaurant Review from slide-review

Another SlideShow Design 

Delmonico's Review Video

OK, I am stated on a Title of this Post "Google Review", but if you have a Reviews of your Restaurant on another sites like,,,, or other one, its doesn't matter, I can to produce Video about Reviews of your Restaurant from any Web Site....

By the way, YELP.COM last month added “consumer alerts”, , which is a crackdown on fake and not true reviews, or reviews that cheating restaurant owners have paid for.


Review Restaurant Engine streamlines Web Site

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